In 1985 A consortium including Graham Gree reacquired the W.W.Greener rights. Webley took over all Greener stock and inventory as well as name in 1965. Two or more guns can have the same number but will have a different letter prefix. Serial numbers can be preceded with the letters, C, G, K, T, S or other letters and indicate the iisuance of a duplicate number. What record do exist state that shotgun numbers were only recorded after 1 May, 1968 when the shotgun Act came into effect. Else where in the Greener book it says that few records on the GP exist. Your gun 812xx falls on the list as one of 4139 made in 1976 by Webley. Gaffer Guns the GP and its variation were first made in 1922 starting with a serial number range of 0-79 in the first year. The serialization scheme you list is for Greener hand made guns.

As a teenager he joined the Royal Navy as an Artificer Apprentice to train as an engineer. Presently he is a director of W W Greener (Sporting Guns) Limited. Shotguns for sale and buy with confidence from Guns International. I sold the first one - Stupid Boy Pike - and still have the second which will be passed on in the event I can't take it with me when I snuff it!!Here is a list of serials / dates. Ww Greener Shotguns Serial Numbers 6,9/10 6615 votes.

In popular culture edit Wilbur Jonas, the general store owner, offers to sell Matt Dillon four Greener shotguns at an attractive price, in 'Renegade White', episode 4.30 of Gunsmoke.I have owned two GP's in my life.

Greener company offers to authenticate genuine Greener weapons for a small fee.